Aditi Rao has tweeted. Some website has published a news that she has replaced Samantha in the upcoming film Maha Samudram. This one will be directed by Ajay Bhupati. The actress is angry because ...Continue reading
The trailer of 'V' is out and it lives up to expectations every bit. Directed by Mohanakrishna Indraganti, here is what the film is about: The showdown between a celebrated cop (Sudheer Babu...Continue reading
It is known that Siddharth and Aditi Rao Hydari have been in love with each other for the past few years. They got married on Wednesday. The venue was Srirangapuram temple in Wanaparthy district. ...Continue reading
Mani Ratnam is shooting for his romantic drama staring Karthi and Aditi Rao Hydari. The Tamil version of this film has been titled Kaatru Veliyidai. Karthi had undergone pilot training for his role...Continue reading
Varun Tej starrer 'Antariksham' was censored today. The film was given a U certificate with no cuts. Directed by Sankalp Reddy this film is having Lavanya Tripathi and Aditi Rao as its leading wome...Continue reading
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