Sundeep Kishan, Lavanya Tripathi and Jackie Shroff starrer Tamil science fiction thriller ‘Mayavan’, is being brought to the Telugu audience as ‘Project Z’ by SK Kareemunnis...Continue reading
'Chaavu Kaburu Challaga', produced by GA2 Pictures, stars Kartikeya and Lavanya Tripathi. The news is that the comedy will release in theatres on March 19. Directed by Koushik Pegallapati, the fil...Continue reading
Young hero Allu Sirish who is picking different subjects has teamed up with Lavanya Tripathi for a pure family entertainer film Shrirasthu Shubhamasthu being helmed by Parasuram (Bujji), known for ...Continue reading
Varun Tej, Lavanya Tripathi and Hebah Patel starrer ‘Mister’ has completed the shooting part with just two songs left to be canned. Currently, post-production works are in progres...Continue reading
‘Project Z’ has completed the censor formality and is getting ready to release in the first half of September. Sundeep Kishan, Lavanya Tripathi and Jackie Shroff starrer Tamil science f...Continue reading
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