Bollywood actress Disha Patani continues to light her Instagram account by sharing exciting pictures. This young actress shared an ultra-cool pictures in a row on her Instagram from Maldives. One i...Continue reading
"The Battle of Pride and Glory, for the World to Witness. Kanguva's mighty reign storms screens from 14-11-2024 (sic)," the makers of Suriya's magnum opus said today. Yes, the film is heading to th...Continue reading
Gone is the time when auditions of actresses determined which actress will be in a film. Now their social media hype will determine if they are fit for the film or not. Kiara Advani who played a r...Continue reading
Actress Disha Patani is one of the most happening celebrities. Everything related to this actress is a big sensation. Needless to say, her beach poses and sultry pictures have a seperate fan base. ...Continue reading
Suriya's 'Kanguva' is confirmed to be a two-part saga. The same was revealed today by producer Gnanavel Raja himself in an interview. The first part is slated to hit the cinemas on October 10. Whi...Continue reading
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