Hindi movie 'Yodha' was released in theatres today. Helmed by Sagar Ambre and Pushkar Ojha, the thriller stars Sidharth Malhotra, Raashii Khanna, Disha Patani, Ronit Roy and Tanuj Virwani in lead r...Continue reading
Gone is the time when auditions of actresses determined which actress will be in a film. Now their social media hype will determine if they are fit for the film or not. Kiara Advani who played a r...Continue reading
The stupendous run of 'Devara' at the box office indicates that the audience are in a kind mood towards films set in unique worlds. They don't mind mixed 'word of mouth' if the film belongs to an e...Continue reading
UV Creations and Studio Green today announced that the first glimpse of 'Kanguva', which is Suriya's 42nd movie, will be out on July 23 marking the Tamil actor's birthday. "Each scar carries a sto...Continue reading
The second trailer of 'Kanguva' is exciting. Released four days ahead of the film's theatrical release (the worldwide release is on November 14), the 90-second trailer establishes the parallels in ...Continue reading
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