'Mangalavaaram' was released in theatres five days ago. On Tuesday, at a grand event attended by Vishwak Sen as the chief guest, the team did something nobody would have expected them to. A twist t...Continue reading
Aadi Saikumar-starrer 'Tees Maar Khan' will be heading to theatres on August 19. The Kalyanji Gogana-directed movie is in the news because a hot duet titled 'Samayanike' was released today. Sung b...Continue reading
Manchu Vishnu's 'Ginna' is currently in the making. Produced by AVA Entertainments and directed by Eeshaan Surya, the film stars Payal Rajput in a key role. The news is that Ginna's First Look wil...Continue reading
Payal Rajput was voluptuous and dangerous in 'RX 100'. Her performance is still fresh in the minds of viewers even after nearly five years. The sad part is that she hasn't had even one noteworthy h...Continue reading
The First Glimpse of 'Maya Petika' was released on Thursday at a special event. Present on the occasion was its main star cast (read Paayal Rajput, Rajath Raghav, Viraj Ashwin, and Simrat Kaur), be...Continue reading
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