'Mangalavaaram' was released in theatres five days ago. On Tuesday, at a grand event attended by Vishwak Sen as the chief guest, the team did something nobody would have expected them to. A twist t...Continue reading
Producer DS Rao, who produced few hit films including Nithin starrer ‘Drona’, ‘Pilla Jamindar’ with Nani and ‘Kalavar King’ with Nikhil, collaborated with award ...Continue reading
Aadi Sai Kumar-starrer 'Tees Maar Khan', which is produced by Nagam Tirupathi Reddy of Vijay Cinemas, has Payal Rajput as the heroine. A high-voltage actioner, it is directed by Kalyan Gogana. Rece...Continue reading
'Ginna', produced by AVA Entertainment and 24 Frames Factory, will head to theatres in October. Its teaser launch event was held on Friday. Speaking on the occasion, Manchu Vishnu, who plays a sma...Continue reading
'RX 100', which hit the cinemas in 2018, was a sleeper hit. The twist involving Payal Rajput's dangerous character was an absolute stunner. It is only because of that film that its director Ajay Bh...Continue reading
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