'Mangalavaaram' is slated to hit the cinemas on a grand scale on November 17. Director Ajay Bhupathi of 'RX 100' fame has wielded the megaphone. Speaking at the film's pre-release event on Saturda...Continue reading
Producer DS Rao, who produced few hit films including Nithin starrer ‘Drona’, ‘Pilla Jamindar’ with Nani and ‘Kalavar King’ with Nikhil, collaborated with award ...Continue reading
Paayal Rajput and Tejus Kancherla starrer ‘RDX Love’ is gearing up for a grand release on 11th October. The makers have announced the release date. The trailer of the film was released ...Continue reading
'Ginna', produced by AVA Entertainment and 24 Frames Factory, will head to theatres in October. Its teaser launch event was held on Friday. Speaking on the occasion, Manchu Vishnu, who plays a sma...Continue reading
‘RX 100’ which hit the screens as a small film is creating sensation at the box office. The film starring Payal Rajput and Karthikeya under the direction of Ajay Bhupathi became a block...Continue reading
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