A Malayalam film titled 'Bandra' was released in theatres in 2023. The action drama film, directed by Arun Gopy and produced by Vinayaka Ajith, starred Dileep in the lead. Soon after the movie's re...Continue reading
Naga Chaitanya-Tamanna starrer ‘100% Love’ will successfully completed 100 days of screening on August 13th. Directed by Sukumar, the super hit film was produced by Bunny Vasu under Geeta Arts ban...Continue reading
It will be a glamour feast in NTR starrer 'Jai Lava Kusa', say the makers of the film. It will have a total of five heroines giving abundant glamour support. Raashi Khanna and Nivetha Thomas are t...Continue reading
Tamannah has been appreciated for her performance in Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy. Even though Nayanatara is the leading lady of the film, it is Tamannah who walked away with the laurels. Her performanc...Continue reading
After completing the shooting schedule in Srilanka, Ram Charan Tej’s ‘Rachcha’ is now progressing in Bangkok and Thailand. With Tamanna as Ram Charan’s lady love and Ajmal of ‘Rangam’ fame as vill...Continue reading
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