'Umapathi' is a seemingly idyllic and feel-good love story set in the backdrop of a village. Starring leading man Anuragh and Avika Gor, the film is touted to be a rooted story directed by Satya Dw...Continue reading
Sai Ronak's next theatrical release is 'Popcorn'. As is known, the emotional rom-com is slated to head to the theatres on February 10. On Wednesday, its second single titled 'Madhi Vihangamayye' wa...Continue reading
'#BRO' is the latest Telugu OTT release. Currently streaming on SonyLIV, it features Naveen Chandra in the role of a loving brother who becomes the anchor of a terminally-ill sister, played by Avik...Continue reading
#BRO has been streaming on SonyLiv since November 26. Starring Naveen Chandra and Avika Gor as siblings, the OTT release's success meet was held today. Speaking on the occasion, well-known produce...Continue reading
It has been one week since the release of Nikhil starrer ‘ Ekkadiki Pothavu Chinnavada’ and the film is still doing extremely well. It is running in packed houses all over. This Nikhil starrer was ...Continue reading
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