Samantha Akkineni has launched the action-packed teaser of Naga Shaurya's 'Ashwathama'. Naga Shaurya himself has penned the story for this movie, produced by his mother Usha Mulpuri under Ira Creat...Continue reading
Bilingual film ‘Yeto Velli Poyindhi Manasu’ starring Nani and Samantha in Telugu version is getting ready for release during 3rd week of October. This musical love story, which is being directed b...Continue reading
All that well planned promotions for the film A Aa is paying off well. There is a huge interest that has been stirred and the demand for the tickets of the film is unbelievable. Nithiin starr...Continue reading
On Wednesday, Samantha Akkineni celebrated her 34th birthday in a low-key manner. Given the sober situation in the country, the star actress kept it to a bare minimum. And, like a true fan, Charan...Continue reading
Samantha Akkineni hasn't signed any Telugu movie after 'Jaanu', though there were reports that she was approached to play the female lead in NTR 30, directed by Trivikram Srinivas. The latest repo...Continue reading
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