On Wednesday, Samantha Akkineni celebrated her 34th birthday in a low-key manner. Given the sober situation in the country, the star actress kept it to a bare minimum. And, like a true fan, Charan...Continue reading
Telangana Forest Minister Konda Surekha today made allegations against BRS working president KTR, claiming that KTR was responsible for the separation of Naga Chaitanya and Samantha Ruth Prabhu. Sh...Continue reading
Samantha learnt a lot from Baahubali 2. The actress tweeted that this film has given her some lessons for life. In her elaborate tweet the actress wrote, that nobody's viewpoint is small. All small...Continue reading
Praneetha, who was not so famous till the release of ‘Attharintiki Daaredhi’, has shot to fame overnight after that. Now this Baapu Bomma grabbed another golden offer with both hands. Yes, Pranee...Continue reading
'Yashoda' is set to head to theatres on November 11. Amidst rumours that Samantha Ruth Prabhu, who has been treated for an autoimmune disorder, won't be promoting the thriller, the star actress tod...Continue reading
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