Kollywood actor Ashok Selvan and Ritu Varma's 'Aakasam' is hitting the cinemas on November 4. Directed by newcomer R Karthik, the film also features Aparna Balamurali of 'Aakasam Nee Haddhu Raa' fa...Continue reading
Naga Shaurya-starrer 'Varudu Kaavalenu' will head to the theatres on October 15. Touted to be a mixture of romance, comedy and emotions, the Lakshmi Sowjanya directorial is produced by Naga Vamsi o...Continue reading
Nikhil is known for selecting different kinds of script. The actor is liked by today's youth as his films are different. They look forward to his films as there is something unique in it. Nikhil is...Continue reading
'Natural Star' Nani has teamed up with his 'Ninnu Kori' director Shiva Nirvana for his 26th film. This film is titled 'Tuck Jagadish' and will release next year. Ritu Varma and Aishwarya Rajesh ...Continue reading
Kesava starring Nikhil Siddarth is gearing up for release this May. The shoot of the film has been completed and the teaser will be launched on the 22nd of March on Youtube. Directed by Sudheer Var...Continue reading
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