Nani and Ritu Varma as the lead pair, the movie Tuck Jagadish is readying for its grand digital release on 10th September. Releasing on Amazon Prime, the movie is touted to be a full-time family en...Continue reading
'Inkosaari Inkosaari' from 'Tuck Jagadish' is the first lyrical to be out. Directed by Shiva Nirvana, the song is shot on Nani and Ritu Varma. A duet, its lyrics are by Chaitanya Prasad. Shreya Gho...Continue reading
Nikhil starer Keshava is just around the corner for release. Big hopes have been pinned on the film as we will be seeing Nikhil in a different avtaar in it. In an recent interview it was revealed ...Continue reading
Natural Star Nani is all set to appear on the screen, with his upcoming movie 'Tuck Jagadish' prepping up for its grand release. Starring Ritu Varma as the female lead opposite Nani, this movie is ...Continue reading
When they say 'reigning supreme', they don't mean royal roles necessarily, but 'Pelli Choopulu' sensation Ritu Varma is going to literally live up to the phrase in Sree Vishnu's 'SWAG', which is ab...Continue reading
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