The Nani-produced 'Meet Cute' is directed by his sister and debutante Deepthi Ghanta. With Satyaraj playing a pivotal role, the film has six male and six female actors. The news is that the film i...Continue reading
The recently released small Telugu Film Kshanam is going national - with subtitles. As of now, the film has released mostly in the two Telugu states, Karnataka and in Tamil Nadu. Now though, the fi...Continue reading
After two consecutive successes with 'Ishq' and 'Gunde Jaari Gallantayyinde', Nithin is now heavily banking on Puri Jagannadh's 'Heart Attack' to hit a hat-trick. The film which is supposed to...Continue reading
Bollywood actress Adah Sharma, who recently made her debut in Tollywood with Nitin's hit movie Heart Attack, has been signed as the new ambassador of Godrej No.1 beauty soap. she won accolades for ...Continue reading
Dr. Rajasekhar, who scored big hit with 'PSV Garuda Vega' last year, is now coming up with a gripping thriller titled ‘Kalki’ with director Prasanth Varma of ‘AWE'. It’s an ...Continue reading
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