'Odela Railway Station', written by Sampath Nandi, is a crime thriller. Presented by Smt Lakshmi Radhamohan and produced by KK Radhamohan, it is being directed by debutant Ashok Teja. The news is t...Continue reading
She became popular with the film 'Kumari 21F'. Hebbah Patel was a part of many good films in Tollywood. Then her craze dimmed. Recently she was in news because of a rumour that she will make a wild...Continue reading
'Geetha' is directed by Vishwa, who is a disciple of the sensational director VV Vinayak. Produced by R Rachaiah of Grand Movies, the film comes with the caption 'Mute Witness'. Starring Hebah Pat...Continue reading
'Geetha' stars Sunil and Hebbah Patel in lead roles. Directed by debutant Vishwa R Rao, who is a protege of VV Vinayak, the film has successfully wrapped up its production works. The First Look of ...Continue reading
‘Nanna Nenu Naa Boyfriend’, the film staring Hebah patel is slowly gathering momentum. The title has perked interest. Directed by Bhaskar Bandi a former associate of VV Vinayak, this film is produc...Continue reading
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