The teaser of Balakrishna's 107th movie is out. The 'Akhanda' actor's fans couldn't have asked for more on the eve of his birthday. Sporting a salt-n-pepper look, the hero is ultra-heroic. A coupl...Continue reading
Allari Naresh who acted in a lead role in the latest movie 'Nandhi' seems to be happy with the response he is receiving from the audience. Directed by debutant Vijay Kanakamedala, Nandhi is a thril...Continue reading
Kona Venkat had recently shared in twitter saying that he has met Sridevi and narrated a script to her for which she has given her nod. That movie will be made as a trilingual film and will be pro...Continue reading
You are aware that ‘Bodyguard’ starring Victory Venkatesh, Expression queen Trisha and Sweet Saloni is being screened successfully with positive talk all over. Gopichand Malineni who directed this...Continue reading
Gopichand and Mehreen Kaur Pirzad starrer Pantham, which was released in large number of theaters across the globe on July 5, has completed 25-days successful run in many centres and is still runni...Continue reading
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