Director Gopichand Malineni recently revealed the title of his movie with Balakrishna. 'Veera Simha Reddy' is currently being shot at a break-neck speed. "We are shooting an action block under the...Continue reading
Ram Charan's film with director Shankar has a new update. The untitled film, to be released in multiple Indian languages, will have Sai Madhav Burra penning the dialogue. Now, Burra is the most so...Continue reading
"The dialogues in 'Roudram Ranam Rudhiram' are going to be wow." You must have heard media reports say that for years. Dialogues and punchlines in mass movies are supposed to be memorable. And when...Continue reading
The pre-release event of 'Veera Simha Reddy' was held in Ongole on Friday. The makers described the mass masala actioner as a special outing. Speaking on the occasion, Nandamuri Balakrishna, thank...Continue reading
Producer BA Raju, writers Sai Madhav Burra, Lakshmi Bhupala and Srikanth Vissa have taken up the Green India Challenge initiated by TRS MP Joginapally Santosh Kumar and planted saplings at Jubilee ...Continue reading
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