'Ooriki Utharana' is an upcoming movie directed by Satish. Produced by Vanaparthi Venkatayya, the film's pre-release event was held today. Speaking on the occasion, the director thanked the produc...Continue reading
'Ram Asur' is a science-fiction drama starring Abhinav Sardhar and Ram Karthik in lead roles. Helmed by Venkatesh Triparna, the film is produced by ASP Media House and GV Ideas. Also featuring Chan...Continue reading
'Demonte Colony 2' is hitting the cinemas in Telugu on August 23. Mythri Movie Distribution's Naveen Yerneni and Y Ravi Shankar are releasing it in Nizam. Arulnithi is playing a dual role, while Pr...Continue reading
'Leharaayi', presented by Bekkem Venugopal, stars Ranjith, Soumya Menon, Gagan Vihari, Rao Ramesh, VK Naresh, Ali and others. Directed by Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, the film is produced by Maddireddy...Continue reading
The Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board (MPTB) has come up with incentives to encourage film shootings and tourism in the State. Here are the announcements: A maximum of Rs 1.5 Cr to 2 Cr for films that ...Continue reading
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