'Shukra' is an upcoming movie revolving around the concept of mind games. Starring Aravind Krishna and Srijitha Ghosh, the film is directed by Suku Poorvaj. Produced by Ayyanna Naidu and Teja Palle...Continue reading
It’s known to all that young music director Anirudh Ravichandran, who created sensation on internet through’Kolaveri…’ song. Now the musician crooned the title song in Madhura Sridhar’s upcoming...Continue reading
Madhura Sreedhar Reddy’s latest production ‘Ladies & Gentlemen’ released on 30th January and got overwhelming response from all over with good reviews and declared as a critically and commercially ...Continue reading
Madhura Sreedhar's Next- "A For America" Passionate film maker Madhura Sreedhar Reddy is currently producing his film "Fashion Designer S/O Ladies Tailor" in the direction of senior director Vam...Continue reading
Madhura Sridhar is well known for his youthful entertainers like ‘Sneha Geetham’, ‘It’s My Love Story’ and ‘Back Bench Student’. Now, the distributor turned director is again turning produce...Continue reading
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