'Shukra' is an upcoming movie revolving around the concept of mind games. Starring Aravind Krishna and Srijitha Ghosh, the film is directed by Suku Poorvaj. Produced by Ayyanna Naidu and Teja Palle...Continue reading
Director Vamsy is one among the talented bunch of directors in Telugu Cinema. As we know the majority of his films revolve around the beautiful river Godavari and rib tickling comedy. It is alre...Continue reading
Mahath Raghavendra, Piaa Bajpai and Archana Kavi starring 'Back Bench Student' directed by Madhura Sridhar Reddy and produced by M.V.K.Reddy under Multi Dimension Entertainments Banner. The fil...Continue reading
Prominent News Channel TV9 is venturing into film industry. A new film is being made with Madhura Sridhar Reddy as producer under Madhura Entertainment banner with TV9 as presenter. Rama Raju, who ...Continue reading
Madhura Sridhar Reddy’s upcoming film ‘Backbench Student’ is yet another different conceptual film on college backdrop. The film stars Pia Bajpai and Archana Kavi in lead roles. Recently reports ...Continue reading
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