'Shukra' is an upcoming movie revolving around the concept of mind games. Starring Aravind Krishna and Srijitha Ghosh, the film is directed by Suku Poorvaj. Produced by Ayyanna Naidu and Teja Palle...Continue reading
Madhura Sreedhar's Next- "A For America" Passionate film maker Madhura Sreedhar Reddy is currently producing his film "Fashion Designer S/O Ladies Tailor" in the direction of senior director Vam...Continue reading
Very soon Allu Sirish will start shooting of ABCD, which is a remake of a Malayalam film by the same name. The pre-production work of the film is going on. The makers have roped a Kannada musician ...Continue reading
Madhura Sridhar’s ‘It’s My Love Story’ starring Aravind Krishna and Nikhita as lead pair was recently released and successfully entered the 4th week. Directed by Madhura Sridhar, the film was prod...Continue reading
Madhura Sridhar’s ‘It’s My Love Story’ has completed his shooting part and presently progressing with post production works. The film stars Aravind Krishna and Nikhita as lead pair and Jayasudha, ...Continue reading
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