'Death Game' is an upcoming thriller starring Amar Nath Reddy, Bhanu Sri, Soni, Suraya Parveen and others. Directed by Cheran, the film is a suspense thriller produced jointly by KC Suri and Rajase...Continue reading
Raj Tarun, in his up-and-coming movie 'Anubhavinchu Raja', plays a wannabe village President who is in the city as a security guard. Directed by Sreenu Gavireddy and produced by Annapurna Studios i...Continue reading
Akhil made a brief but commendable appearance in ‘Manam’. And if sources are to be believed, Vikram Kumar, who introduced him in ‘Manam’ is going to direct his maiden film too! It seems that Nag a...Continue reading
It is known that Nagarjuna is playing a role in Rajinikanth's 'Coolie'. You are wrong if you thought the Akkineni actor will be there in just a cameo in this 2025 release. Director Lokesh Kanagara...Continue reading
With the blessings of Late Smt. Akkineni Annapurna, Nata Samrat Akkineni, King Nagarjuna, Yuva Samrat Chaitanya, Shriya Saran and Samantha starer 'Manam’ is produced by Akkineni Family with Relianc...Continue reading
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