While Gopichand was planing to freeze a title for his film, Hrithik Roshan went ahead and got it registered. The story goes this way, Gopichand was contemplating on registering a title ‘Balam’ for ...Continue reading
Action hero Gopichand and mass director B Gopal’s sensational combination film Aaradugula Bullet will be releasing on May 19th. This full length commercial entertainer is one of the highly an...Continue reading
Macho Gopichand and stylish director Sampath Nandi’s Gautham Nanda is currently shooting the last song Bole Ram Bole Ram in a specially erected set at Annapurna 7 Acres. Gopichand’s act...Continue reading
Gopichand has been described as a 'Macho Star' by the film industry. His choices in recent times, ranging from 'Jil', 'Loukyam', 'Gautham Nanda', 'Seetimaarr' and the up-and-coming 'Rama Banam', ha...Continue reading
Gopichand is busy with his film Chanakya. Meanwhile his new film has been launched. Gopichand will be pairing with Tamannah in this new film. Sampath Nandi is the director of the film and Srinivas...Continue reading
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