'Coffee With A Killer' is an upcoming thriller directed by RP Patnaik, who has previously wielded the megaphone for 'Broker' and 'Manalo Okadu'. Starring Ravi Prakash in the role of a cop (who pred...Continue reading
If you want to know another dimension of social networking sites like facebook and twitter, you have to watch our ‘Friendsbook’ says RP Patnaik who directed this movie featuring Nischal, Uday, Sury...Continue reading
Suresh Kondeti’s SK Pictures is shortly going to release the audio of another dubbed movie titled ‘Mahesh’ featuring Sundeep Kishan and Dimple Chopade as lead pair. Madan Kumar directed this fi...Continue reading
'Honey Trap', which is directed by P Sunil Kumar Reddy, is currently doing a film titled 'Honey Trap'. Starring Rishi, Shilpa Nayak, Teju Anupoju, Siva Karthik and others, the film is produced by V...Continue reading
In recent times, re-releases have had a mixed run. 'Samara Simha Reddy' was a dud, while 'Oy!' was a hit upon its re-release recently. Musical hits have been preferred by youngsters if they belong ...Continue reading
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