Parari is the title of an out-and-out romantic comedy film produced by Sri Shankara Arts. Presented by Gali Pratyusha, the film is headlined by newcomer Yogeshwaar. Directed by Sai Sivaji, this GVV...Continue reading
Vijaychander’s birthday is on May 24. On this occasion, the actor took some time off his day to share few details about his upcoming devotional film ‘Saye Daivam’. The actor, who...Continue reading
'Seva Das' is an upcoming movie starring KPN Chowhan, Preethi Asrani, Bhanu Chander and Suman in the lead. The Banjara film is targeted to reach 18 crore Banjaras living in 64 countries. The film w...Continue reading
'Jayaho Ramanuja' tells the story of the 12th Century Hindu philosopher and social reformer. The founder of Vishishtadvaita is being played by actor Lion Sai Venkat. The historical-devotional flic...Continue reading
Bollywood producer Saavi Goyal is producing a film titled ‘Desadimmari’ under Naveena Creations banner. Directed by Nagesh Naradasi, the shooting of the film will commence from the firs...Continue reading
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