The 2014 horror-comedy movie 'Geethanjali' starred Anjali in the lead. Its sequel, titled 'Geethanjali Malli Vachindhi', has completed 80% of its shoot. Directed by Siva Thurlapati and presented by...Continue reading
The forthcoming Bhojpuri movie Nirahua Chalal America is being directed by Kona Venkat who has worked for many Telugu movies as writer and director. Jitender Yadav is the co-Director for this movie...Continue reading
Young hero Sundeep Kishan has been doing a variety of genres. No wonder he has got a unique image among the audience. The talented actor has now teamed up with producer Mahesh S Koneru for a movie ...Continue reading
Sundeep Kishan has made it clear that 'Gully Rowdy' is not going to skip a theatrical release. In a tweet today, the actor said that the makers of the film will be standing by the exhibitors to hel...Continue reading
Kona Venkat, one of the story writer of the film ‘Baadshah’ has blamed the cops who were responsible for the death of NTR fan Raju, who died in a stampede at the audio release function of ‘Baadshah...Continue reading
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