Santhosh Shobhan who came up with a variety storyline like Ek Mini Katha is all set to entertain the audience with his upcoming movie. Touted to be a movie which revolves around the concept of marr...Continue reading
'Manchi Rojulochaie', which stars Santosh Shoban of 'Ek Mini Katha' fame as the hero and Mehreen Kau Prizada as the heroine, is set to head to theatres on November 4. Its pre-release event was held...Continue reading
'Prem Kumar', a full-fledged romantic comedy entertainer, stars Santosh Shoban in the lead. When he attempts to get married, his bride elopes. Will he ever have redemption? Produced by P Shi...Continue reading
There are already reports that director Maruthi has commenced the shoot for a medium-budget film with actors Santosh Shobhan and Mehreen Pirzada, at an Aluminum factory in Hyderabad. Now, we are b...Continue reading
Santhosh Shobhan as the hero and Mehreen Kaur Pirzada as the heroine, the movie 'Manchi Rojulochaie' is being made under the direction of Maruthi. UV Concepts and Mass Movie Makers jointly bankroll...Continue reading
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