Srikanth’s socio fantasy film ‘Devaraya’ costarring Vidhisha and Meenakshi Dixit is jointly being produced by Kiran Jakkamshetty and Nanikrishna under Sunray International Cinema banner. Besides p...Continue reading
'Am Aha', starring Sudhakar Jangam and Lavanya as the lead pair, is touted to be a distinct crime thriller. Directed by Shyam Mandala, the film is coming from Rangasthalam Movie Makers and Sri Padm...Continue reading
Vasudeva Rao and Swetha Varma as the lead pair, ‘Vasam’ has been made under the direction of Challa Srikanth. Some guys, who have great passion on films, have collected money and produc...Continue reading
Telangana Devudu' is an upcoming film starring Srikanth and Jishan Usman, among others. Chronicling events that took place from 1969 to 2014, when the birth of Telangana state happened, the film tr...Continue reading
Journalist Prabhu is turning director by making his debut with an action flick starring Srikanth and Meghana. The film has not yet been given the title. Rajarajeswari Srinivasa Reddy is produci...Continue reading
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