Srikanth’s yet another new film titled ‘Devaraya’, a socio-fantasy flick is being produced by Kiran Jakkanshetty under Sunray International Cinema banner introducing Nanikrishna as director. The f...Continue reading
Prominent hero Srikanth as hero and Nazia as heroine, ‘Raa Raa’ is being made under Vizi Charish Visions banner with Sreemitra Chowdhary as presenter. Vizi Charish Unit has handled the ...Continue reading
‘Devaraya’ starring Srikanth and Vidisha as lead pair is taking shape under Nani Krishna’s direction. Kiran Jakkamsetti and Nani Krishna are jointly producing the film. 90% of the film shooting h...Continue reading
‘Raa Raa’ that features prominent hero Srikanth as hero and Nazia as heroine, is being made under Vizi Charish Visions banner with Sreemitra Chowdhary as presenter. Vizi Charish Unit ha...Continue reading
‘Natu Kodi’ is a complete mass entertainer with the story that revolved around a corrupted police officer and an honest constable. Srikanth will be seen as a corrupted police officer. Mano Chitra h...Continue reading
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