'Game Changer', directed by Shankar and led by Ram Charan, is produced by the Dil Raju-Shirish duo. Recently, there were reports that the production works will be completed if the film is shot for ...Continue reading
Will there be a sequel to 'RRR'? The answer is a resounding yes. Vijayendra Prasad himself has talked about a sequel being planned. Interacting with a Telugu-language TV channel, the writer of 'Ba...Continue reading
Ram Charan was at the Charminar today. He was shooting for his film Dhruva. For the very first time in his life the actor visited Hyderabad’s iconic destination Charminar. He posted a video on ...Continue reading
After Swetha Bharadwaj trying her luck in Mahesh Babu’s ‘Businessman’ recently, Yet another Bollywood hot babe is all set to sizzle in another big Telugu film and mesmerize our audience with her oo...Continue reading
Mega Power Star Ram Charan's powerhouse dance performances have been captured in a carefully curated video clip to celebrate World Dance Day. The video assumes significance, especially in the wake ...Continue reading
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