Kollywood filmmaker Mohan Raja has revealed that his 2015 action thriller 'Thani Oruvan' (2015) was first pitched to Prabhas. The Tamil hit was later remade in Telugu by Ram Charan as 'Dhruva'. Pr...Continue reading
Addressing a public rally on Wednesday, Pawan Kalyan told voters that he is smaller than pan-India actors like Prabhas. He added that his colleagues such as Mahesh Babu are paid more than him. He s...Continue reading
"Prabhas remains a solid draw in northern India despite his recent films underperforming in the Hindi market. That's because he never compromised his image. His films failed but his stardom has bee...Continue reading
Why is Prabhas not seen around? Is it because 'Radhe Shyam' has not done well? The truth, it seems, is something else. As per national media reports, the 'Saaho' hunk is currently in Barcelona, Sp...Continue reading
'Miss Shetty, Mr Polishetty', starring Anushka Shetty and Naveen Polishetty in eponymous roles, has been endorsed by two big stars. Prabhas called it entertaining, while Ram Charan called it refres...Continue reading
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