In August 2021, the release date of 'Paagal' was announced with just one week to go. Vishwak Sen even went to the extent of sounding over-confident during its promotions. The film's promotions were...Continue reading
Actor Vishwak Sen is in the news for all the wrong reasons ahead of the theatrical release of his family entertainer, 'Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam', on May 6. Ever since the prank where a YouTub...Continue reading
Laila is Vishwak Sen's upcoming movie. As of now, it is scheduled to be released in theatres on February 14, 2025. Sonu Model, a song from the movie, is out. The sonic assault is dense and overwhel...Continue reading
Ahead of the theatrical release of 'Gangs Of Godavari' on May 17, its teaser was released today at an event in Hyderabad. Producer S Naga Vamsi of Sithara Entertainments sounded confident about the...Continue reading
'Ramanna Youth', the village-based political comedy starring Abhai Naveen as an underdog, is going to hit the cinemas on September 15. Its pre-release event was held in Hyderabad on Monday. Vishnu ...Continue reading
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