Bollywood's popular producer Karan Johar has approached Nagarjuna to launch the latter's son in Hindi films. Akhil is only two films old. The third film is getting ready. So far Akhil has not had a...Continue reading
King Nagarjuna’s ‘Greeku Veerudu’ is all set to hit global screens on May 3rd. The film completed its censor formalities and was given U/A certificate. Arrangements have been made for the premiere...Continue reading
Nani and Nagarjuna starrer Devadas is gearing for a grand release tomorrow. There is a positive feel about the film. Producer Ashwini Dutt is promoting the film. He has this opinion that Nag...Continue reading
Dada Saheb Phalke Awardee Akkineni Nageshwara Rao’s body was cremated at Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad amidst huge masses that include film fraternity, political leaders, fans and well-wishers acr...Continue reading
'Loser 2', a web series, will start streaming on ZEE5 from January 21. On Monday, its pre-release event was held. Speaking on the occasion, the makers said that the series is quite a content-driven...Continue reading
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