Supergood Films (P) Ltd., and Honeybee Entertainments have jointly launched a film titled ‘SMS’ with Thatineni Satya as director, introducing superstar Krishna’s nephew, Naga Sudhir Babu as hero an...Continue reading
'Swa' is the title of an upcoming movie directed by Manu PV. Produced by GM Suresh, the film has Mahesh Yadlapalli, Swathi Bheemireddy, Yashwant Pendyala, Siddharth Gollapudi and Manik Reddy in lea...Continue reading
Regular shooting of 'Veera Bhoga Vasantha Rayalu' was commenced today at Ramoji Film City in Hyderabad. Sudheer Babu, who entertained audience with ‘Prema Katha Chitram’ and ‘Bhal...Continue reading
‘Bhale Manchi Roju’ producers Vijay Chilla and Shashi Devireddy are back with another interesting film titled ‘Anando Brahma’ on their 70mm Entertainments banner. The film&r...Continue reading
The first look of hero Sudheer Babu from the movie ‘Veera Bhoga Vasanth Rayalu’ is unveiled by popular publicity designer Anil and Bhanu. Hero Sudheer Babu is seen in serious mood and l...Continue reading
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