Natural star Nani appears in Satya Dev's Daare Leda music video. The movie Daare Leda features Satya Dev and Roopa Koduvayur. The movie revolves around the lives of a couple, who happen to be...Continue reading
'Ante Sundaraniki' is hitting the cinemas on June 10. Natural Star Nani is mighty thrilled about a new development in the meanwhile. Pawan Kalyan is going to grace the film's pre-release event, to ...Continue reading
'Ante Sundaraniki' is hitting the cinemas on June 10. There is a view that the male lead, played by Nani, and his parents (played by Naresh and Rohini) are shown talking in a stereotypical manner b...Continue reading
Here is the first look of Nani as Rakshasudu, the evil, from 'V' movie, directed by Mohan Krishna Indraganti. The 'Natural Star' plays the villain in this movie and the makers say, "there's no devi...Continue reading
Tollywood's most prolific actor at the moment, Nani is no mood to slow down. After scoring seven consecutive hits with the latest Ninnu Kori, Nani has raised the curtains on his upcoming movies. It...Continue reading
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