Bollywood's popular producer Karan Johar has approached Nagarjuna to launch the latter's son in Hindi films. Akhil is only two films old. The third film is getting ready. So far Akhil has not had a...Continue reading
'Agent' is going to head to the theatres on April 28. And this is perhaps the first pan-India release to feature a playful break-up anthem. Composer Hiphop Tamizha, lyricist Chandrabose, singer Ra...Continue reading
He’s so far known at large as Akkineni Nagarjuna and Amala’s son. But Akhil Akkineni will add actor to his resume quite soon. His dad Nagarjuna had already announced in ‘Addaa’ audio function tha...Continue reading
'Agent' was released in theatres on April 28, 2023. More than a year later, it has not been made available by any OTT platform. It is said that no streaming platform is ready to pay the amount soug...Continue reading
'Agent' has got a new release date. The film is going to head to the theatres on April 28. The mid-Summer release is expected to give Akhil Akkineni a wild hit. Announcing the date, a glimpse vide...Continue reading
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