Actor Naresh and Ali in the lead roles, the movie Andaru Bagundali Andulo Nenundaali movie is the Telugu remake of Malayalam's hit movie "Vikruthi". The movie revolves around the sequences which po...Continue reading
Sharan Kumar, the new actor, is the grandson of late Vijaya Nirmala. 'Mr King' is the title of his debut movie, whose First Look was released today. Nishkala and Urvi Singh are its female leads. H...Continue reading
'Andaru Bagundali Andulo Nenundali' is the remake of the Malayalam film 'Vikruthi'. The film, produced by Ali on Aliwood Entertainment, is gearing up for a theatrical release. This is Ali's debut p...Continue reading
VK Naresh has spoken against Naga Babu's criticism that the MAA has lost its grace in recent years. At a presser today, Naresh described himself as a man of action. He said that his tenure has seen...Continue reading
It was a show down of sorts. Actor Rajashekar resigned from the post of the Executive Vice President of MAA. He wrote a letter and described in detail as to why he took this step. Today was MAA 20...Continue reading
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