'Kanche' is a period drama with a beautiful love story featuring the handsome young lad from the Mega Family, Varun Tej, as the hero and directed by the critically and commercially acclaimed direct...Continue reading
First look of ‘Anaganaga O Premakatha’ is launched by Mega Prince Varun Tej on his twitter account. The actor wished the team all the best. ‘Anaganaga O Premakatha’ is a fee...Continue reading
Varun Tej's most awaited sports drama Ghani, is all set for a release on April 8th. It's USA Premieres on April 7. Here's the US Schedule and Theaters List. It's Overseas release by Sarigama Cinema...Continue reading
Director Maruthi has tasted success with Sai Dharam starrer Prati Roju Pandage. He is extremely happy that he did this film with a mega camp star. Now Maruthi is looking at the mega camp for his n...Continue reading
'Acharya', starring Megastar Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan in the lead, will head to theatres on April 29. Has this announcement affected 'F3'? The answer is no. Dil Raju's Sri Venkateswara Creations...Continue reading
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