'The Fog' is an upcoming thriller starring Virat Chandra, Chandana Koppisetty, Harini, Ajay Ghosh, Nandu, Supriya, Praneetha and Pramod. Directed by Sudhan, the movie will release on February 5. T...Continue reading
Nandu as a hero Sowmya Venugopal as a heroin and Pooja Rama Chandran as a main lead ‘Inthalo Enneni Vinthalo’ was released on 6th April. This film which was released without any expecta...Continue reading
'Bomma Blockbuster, starring Nandu Vijay Krishna and Rashmi Gautam as the lead pair, is written and directed by Raj Virat. A song titled 'Love All The Haters', which is fashioned as a Puri Jagannad...Continue reading
Young Talented Hero Nandu teamed up with New filmmaker Bix Erusadla for his upcoming film titled Kannulo Nee Rupamey which is based on the feel good and romantic comedy script. The film boasts an e...Continue reading
Nandu and Rashmi Gautam have been roped in to play the lead roles in 'Bomma Blockbuster'. Directed by Raj Virat, the film is touted to be a pucca family entertainer, whose title poster is ou...Continue reading
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