The Title Teaser of Superstar Rajinikanth's 171st movie has been unveiled. 'Coolie' is its common title across languages. Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj, the film is produced by Sun Pictures. Pending...Continue reading
The 164th film of Rajinikanth has been announced. Producer Dhanush has unveiled the the logo and title of the film. Kaala is the title of the film. Pa Ranjith will be the director of the film. Kaa...Continue reading
‘Kochadaiiyaan’ (Vikrama Simha in Telugu) release is confirmed for December 12th, 2013, i.e., on the day of superstar’s birthday. The recently released trailer has kicked off the new wave of marke...Continue reading
'Lal Salaam', produced by Lyca Productions, will feature Superstar Rajinikanth in an extended cameo. He will be seen as a Mumbai-based don named Moideen Bhai. The film, directed by Aishwarya Rajini...Continue reading
Rajnikanth, who crooned a song for his latest film ‘Kochadiayaan’ recently, also sang for the Hindi version. It’s learnt that A R Rahman insisted on Rajni’s singing the Hindi song also. The song ...Continue reading
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