Mahesh Babu’s nephew and Guntur MP Jayadev Galla’s son Ashok Galla awaits the release of 'Hero' on January 15. Directed by 'Bhale Manchi Roju' fame Sriram Adittya, the entertainer has ...Continue reading
Make way for Ashok Galla, the new 'Hero' on the bloc. The grandson of Krishna and nephew of Mahesh Babu is all set to make a mark on the silver screen with a movie titled 'Hero', whose teaser was t...Continue reading
Ashok Galla-Nidhhi Agerwal's latest rom-com entertainer Hero is all set for a grand release worldwide on Jan 15. It's USA Premieres on Jan 14. Here's the US Schedule and Theaters list. Overseas rel...Continue reading
Nani and Nagarjuna starrer Devadas had its first look unveiled today. Directed by Sriram Aditya, this film is being produced by Ashwini Dutt. The first look shows both Nagarjuna and Nani sleeping....Continue reading
Sriram Aditya is directing the film staring Nani and Nagarjuna. There was a news doing rounds recently that this film is a remake of the Hindi film Jhonny Gaddar. Director Sriram Aditya says that ...Continue reading
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