'Ramarao On Duty', starring Ravi Teja and directed by Sarath Mandava, will arrive at the cinemas on July 29. The news is that its trailer is going to be out on July 16. The exact time at which the...Continue reading
'Dhamaka' has been in the news more for the pairing of Ravi Teja and 'Pelli SandaD' fame Sreeleela. For a change, it is now in the news over the release of a hero-centric song. Titled 'Mass Raja',...Continue reading
The theatrical trailer of Jamba Lakidi Pamba has been unveiled by Mass Maharaj Ravi Teja. The trailer promises the film to be a laugh riot. Srinivas Reddy’s feminine acts and Siddhi Idnani&rs...Continue reading
'Ravanasura' recently completed its shoot. The action thriller will head to the theatres on April 7. The news is that the film's high-range teaser will be out on March 6 as the clock strikes 10:08...Continue reading
Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja seems deeply pleased with ‘Balupu’ script that he had asked the script writer Bobby to prepare more exciting story for his next. As per the sources talk has been brewing to...Continue reading
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