Manchu Manoj on Friday night entered into a wedlock with Bhuma Mounika Reddy, his long-time sweetheart. The wedding had a limited number of guests in attendance. Dr. Mohan Babu was spotted in a hap...Continue reading
Manchu Manoj's much hyped film ‘Potugadu’ is scheduled to release o September 13th. This is the remake of a Kannada film ‘Govindha Namaha’ and is directed by the original film director Pawan Wadey...Continue reading
Manchu Manoj on Thursday called on Pawan Kalyan on the sets of 'Bheemla Nayak'. The two actors were in an interaction mode for about an hour. The meeting happened in the context of severe controve...Continue reading
Actor Manchu Manoj is back in the news for a personal reason. He has been on a sabbatical on the acting front. But something new is brewing on the personal front. He is going to get married to Bhum...Continue reading
It is a known fact that, in the film industry, though the star fathers are a strong support behind their sons, the star rating depends on the success of their films. Manchu Mohan Babu’s stard...Continue reading
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