‘Mr Lavangam’ is a full length comedy flick produced by AK Sai Kumar under RK Entertainments banner. Under the presentation of A Ramarani, the film being directed by Malladi Chalapathy introducing...Continue reading
Achari America Yatra, the laughter riot from the super hit combination of Vishnu Manchu and G Nageshwar Reddy finished a massive first schedule in Hyderabad. The production team is all set to fly o...Continue reading
Dr Brahmanandam felicitated senior comedian Aali for being honored with doctorate from Academy of Universal Global Peace at Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu on 25th May, 2013. The felicitation funct...Continue reading
Achari America Yatra, the laughter riot from the super hit combination of Vishnu Manchu and G Nageshwar Reddy finished a massive first schedule in Hyderabad. The production team is all set to...Continue reading
'Keedaa Cola' was released in theatres in November last year. A particular song in the crime comedy went unnoticed. And that song has become a source of headache for its makers, including music dir...Continue reading
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