Theeram is an upcoming movie casting young newcomers as the main leads. Sravan, Anil Inamadugu, Kristan Ravali, Aparna Appu, and others in the lead roles, the movie Theeram is directed by Anil Inam...Continue reading
'Lilly' is the title of an upcoming pan-India children's film coming from Telugu. Produced by K Babu Reddy and G Satish Kumar, the film has Neha, Vedant Varma and Pranitha Reddy in lead roles. The ...Continue reading
It’s final and the makers of ‘Naayak’ confirms what fans have been speculating about ever since the audio release date was announced, that it would be released in two to three different dates – Dec...Continue reading
Ram Charan is on cloud nine. His father's comeback film Khaidi No 150 has done extremely well. Ram Charan is impressed with director V V Vinayak and the way he directed the film. He is planning to ...Continue reading
'Geetha' is directed by Vishwa, who is a disciple of the sensational director VV Vinayak. Produced by R Rachaiah of Grand Movies, the film comes with the caption 'Mute Witness'. Starring Hebah Pat...Continue reading
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