'Kalyanamasthu' is an upcoming movie starring Sekhar Varma and Vaibhavi Rao in lead roles. A romantic and action entertainer, a song from the movie is out. Titled 'Neevalle Neevalle', it was releas...Continue reading
There have been lots of rumours on Prabhas's wedding. Some say that he will marry his love Anushka Shetty, while others say that he will be marrying an NRI. His uncle Krishnam Raju says that all th...Continue reading
Priyamani’s heroine centric film ‘Chandi’ which was supposed to release on October 4th got postponed due to some technical problems. However, director Samudra says that the film will be released in...Continue reading
Before introducing the supporting artists from 'Radhe Shyam', director Radha Krishna Kumar today introduced Krishnam Raju's Paramahamsa, a saint who is in profound contemplation. Wearing saffron ro...Continue reading
Rebel star Krishnam Raju will be seen in a powerful role in V Samudra’s directed movie ‘Chandi’ starring Priyamani in title role. The actor is playing Ashok Gajapathi Raju, a freedom-fighter, le...Continue reading
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