Theeram is an upcoming movie casting young newcomers as the main leads. Sravan, Anil Inamadugu, Kristan Ravali, Aparna Appu, and others in the lead roles, the movie Theeram is directed by Anil Inam...Continue reading
'1992', directed by Siva Palamuri and starring Mahi Rathod in the lead, had two lyrical videos released on Dasara. The song 'CHELIYA CHELIYA' was unveiled by director VV Vinayak, while the song 'CH...Continue reading
'Panchanama', starring Tripura Nimmagadda and Vempa Kasi, is an upcoming movie whose teaser was unveiled today at the hands of VV Vinayak. Speaking on the occasion, the 'Khaidi No. 150' director s...Continue reading
Chiranjeevi’s 150th film is slowly and steadily gathering momentum. The film will start its shoot schedule very soon. It is almost confirmed that Anushka Shetty will play the main lead. Catheri...Continue reading
The first look of VV Vinayak's debut film as hero has been released. This film has been titled 'Seenayya' and apparently, he is playing a mechanic going by the wrench in his hand. 'The Complete Em...Continue reading
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