'Death Game' is an upcoming thriller starring Amar Nath Reddy, Bhanu Sri, Soni, Suraya Parveen and others. Directed by Cheran, the film is a suspense thriller produced jointly by KC Suri and Rajase...Continue reading
We all know that Oscar award winning music composer AR Rahman’s son AR Ameen has crooned for a song in youthful love entertainer ‘Nirmala Convent’. Now the latest update is that the song has two ve...Continue reading
Oopiri that released last week has been declared as a mega block buster and it is one of the few movies in recent times that has been unanimously applauded. Despite the so called lean season of Mar...Continue reading
The most popular and controversial Bigg Boss Telugu season 5 is all set to return to the small screen soon. The launch of the fifth edition of the show, which was postponed due to the COVID-19 seco...Continue reading
Team Devadas is happy, they have wrapped the shooting of the film. Actor Nagarjuna announced this on his Twitter handle and also posted a groupie along with his team. He wrote, " "And it’s a ...Continue reading
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