Drinker Sai Movie is directed by the Kiran Tirumalasetti and produced by Basavaraju Srinivas, Ismail shaik & Basavaraju laharidhar under the banner Everest Cinemass, Smart Screens Entertainments, the movie cast includes Dharma, Aishwarya Sharma, Posani Krishnamurali, Srikanth Iyengar and Sameer. Sri Vasanth composed the music for Drinker Sai.
"The One & Only Solution for Problemsuu - It's Drinksu Drinksu Drinksu (sic)," the makers of 'Drinker Sai' wrote on social media, unveiling a light (or should we call it heavy?) song from their...Continue reading
'Drinker Sai', starring Dharma and Aishwarya Sharma in lead roles, will hit the cinemas on December 27. Its Trailer launch event was held today. The film is produced by Basavaraju Srinivas, Ismail...Continue reading
"A melody that feels like a warm hug this winter," the makers of 'Drinker Sai' said, unveiling a soothing melody from their movie. 'Nela Meedhi Nakshatramaa' is the title of the Chandrabose-written...Continue reading
"Bringing a Bold love tale with Raw & Riveting emotions (sic)," the makers of 'Drinker Sai' wrote on social media, announcing the release date of their movie. 'Drinker Sai' will head to theatre...Continue reading
The teaser of the upcoming romantic comedy, 'Drinker Sai', was released in the presence of commoners. Instead of the routine practice of involving celebrities, the makers invited members belonging ...Continue reading
Drinker Sai, featuring Dharma and Aishwarya Sharma in the lead roles, is gearing up for intense promotions. Days after its First Look was unveiled at the hands of director Maruthi, it's time to wel...Continue reading
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