Prathinidhi 2 Movie is directed by the Murthy Devagupthapu and produced by Kumar Raja Battula, Anjaneyulu Sri Thota, Surendranath Bollineni under the banner Vanara Entertainments, Rana Arts, the movie cast includes Nara Rohit, Siri Lella, Dinesh Tej, Saptagiri and Jisshu Sengupta. Mahati Swara Sagar composed the music for Prathinidhi 2.
Nara Rohit’s 'Prathinidhi 2' has been indefinitely postponed. The film is rumoured to have run into trouble because the CBFC board members are yet to watch it and certify it. As per the buzz ...Continue reading
Actor Nara Rohit's 'Prathinidhi 2', helmed by journalist Murthy Devagupthapu, is finally hitting the cinemas after a delay of nearly three months. The original plan of Vanara Entertainments and Ran...Continue reading
'Prathinidhi 2' is going to head to theatres in the month of April. The release might face legal hurdles, though. In such a case, it will be released after the election season concludes, that too, ...Continue reading
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